徒歩圏内のスカイツリーはテラスからも景観抜群です。 The Sky Tree, which can be reached on foot, has an outstanding view from the house! You can also enjoy the night view from the roof terrace.
浅草寺散策 Sensoji Temple
隅田川を渡れば1400年の歴史のある浅草寺。仲見世でお土産や食べ歩きをしてみたら? If you cross the Sumida River, you will find Sensoji Temple with a history of 1400 years. You can buy souvenirs and eat around at the Naka store in the precincts!
東京水辺バス Tokyo River Bus
都会の水辺を散策するものオススメです。お台場までゆっくりと水辺散歩を楽しみましょう。 Sightseeing on the waterside of the city by water bus on the Sumida River. It's very convenient because you can access Odaiba as it is!
両国相撲 Sumo wrestlers
両国に行けばお相撲さんに会えるかも?下町情緒あふれる街を楽しんでください。 If you go to Ryogoku in the neighboring towns, you might be able to meet sumo wrestlers. Please enjoy such a downtown area.